Legislators Looking For Input On Medicaid Expansion

A public hearing on the possible expansion of Medicaid will be held Wednesday at the State Capitol in Pierre.  The hearing will be chaired by Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton, and Representative Scott Munsterman of Brookings. Both head up the Health and Human Services Committee in their respective chamber.  Hunhoff says they want to hear more from the public on the possible expansion of Medicaid…

 Jean Hunhoff 219a

Hunhoff says they know there are people in the state that have no health care coverage…

 Jean Hunhoff 219b

Hunhoff says they have mostly heard from medical providers that are treating those with no coverage…

Jean Hunhoff 219c

Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government would pay for one hundred percent of the expansion costs for the first few years, dropping to ninety percent later on.