Legislative Forum Gets Loud With Climate Change

20150131_090526Legislative forums are held in cities across South Dakota during the legislative session. Most are held in a civil fashion with at times a passionate person using slightly more voice to have their question heard. It became more than that in Huron Saturday. John Schmidt of Woonsocket began speaking on global warning for around a minute before moderater Mike Held stepped in….


Schmidt then continued with his information for another 30 seconds or so before Held interjected for a second time…


He continued talking about the information he collected on climate change when one woman began clapping to disrupt Schmidt…


Held eventually told Schmidt he would have a Huron Police officer positioned at the back of the room to take him back to his seat or removed from the forum. The forum moved on to a question on Common Core standards without District 22 lawmakers commenting on Schmidt’s issues. Schmidt brought up similar concerns at the first legislative forum on January 31st.