Lee Declares School Board Candidacy

Craig Lee of Huron has announced his candidacy for School Board for the remaining two years of the seat currently held by John Halbkat.  

Lee is the owner of Craig Lee Studios of downtown Huron that specializes in photography and video production.  

Lee is married Tasha (Steele) who is the Marketing Director at American Bank & Trust, they have four children two who are currently in the Huron School District and two that will be attending in the future.  

“As a proud resident of Huron I am impressed by the education my children are receiving in our public schools. As a tax payer and parent I am proud of the teachers and staff in our district as they do an excellent job, and  I want to work to nurture the legacy through the promotion of a positive working environment.  I want to do my part to make sure as we move forward we keep what is best for our kids first.  The school board needs new members who are willing to work toward the mission of educating students and creating a responsible budget as our top priority.  This will be my focus if elected, I am asking for your vote on April 11th.”