Lawyers In Pierre Teen Murder Case Seeking Delay

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Lawyers for a Pierre boy accused in the fatal shooting of a classmate are seeking a delay in his murder trial.  Seventeen-year-old Braiden McCahren is scheduled to go to trial Oct. 21 in Pierre. McCahren has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder and aggravated assault in the Dec. 18 shooting of 16-year-old Dalton Williams.  McCahren’s lawyers have sought to have him tried as a juvenile, but a circuit judge has ruled that McCahren will be tried as an adult.  McCahren’s lawyers want a delay in the trial because they plan to appeal the judge’s ruling that he be tried as an adult.  The defense lawyers want the trial postponed until the South Dakota Supreme Court decides whether to hear the appeal.