Lawmakers React To Daugaard Budget

legislatureLegislators gathered in Pierre Tuesday to hear Governor Dennis Daugaard outline his budget plans for the year that begins next July first. He outlined a plan that would spend about four point three billion dollars overall, with a two percent increase in education funding, and a two percent raise for state employees.  Senator Deb Peters, a republican from Hartford, says the budget is a start..

Deb Peters 1203a

Peters says they want to take a close look at the spending matched to the planned revenue…

Deb Peters 1203b

Democratic Senator Billie Sutton of Burke says he is disappointed with the amount dedicated to education…

Billie Sutton 1203a

Sutton says the Governor did not talk about Medicaid and its possible expansion. He says the state is missing out on a lot of federal money…

Billie Sutton 1203b  The legislative session begins January 14th.