Lawmakers Approve Funding for Animal Lab

Lawmakers reach a deal to fund the upgrade and expansion of the Animal
Disease Research and Diagnostic Lab at SDSU.

A conference committee worked out the final details and it was approved
in the Senate Thursday afternoon.

The bulk of the funding for the 58-million dollar project will come from
bonds paid back through the partial reduction of a property tax rebate
on ag land that was part of last-year’s half-cent sales tax increase.

It also includes 8.6 million dollars in one-time money from SDSU and the
animal disease fund.  The bill also increases some pet food and animal
remedy registration fees to help pay operations and maintenance costs at
the lab.

Senator Jason Frerichs of Wilmot says the lab is vital to South Dakota

Senator Lance Russell of Hot Springs is not happy with using the property tax rebate

Senator Larry Tidemann of Brookings says ag producers back the plan.

The measure passed the Senate with more than the two-thirds needed,
29-6. There was no debate on the House side where it passed 60-6.


(Brookings Radio)