Lane Man Arrested In Super X Armed Robbery


press01A Jerauld County man is calling the Beadle County Jail home for the weekend after being arrested on armed robbery charges. Sergeant Brandon Neitzert with the Huron Police Department says officers were called to the Super X Store at Ninth and Dakota in Huron around 1:40 Friday morning…

superxrobber1Neitzert says the Jerauld and Sanborn County Sheriff’s Department’s were able to make contact with Moeller…

superxrobber2Surveillance video stills of Moeller show what appear to be two bottles of soda pop on the counter in front of the armed man. Citing the on-going investigation, Neitzert would not confirm Moeller stole only beverages….

superxrobber3Neitzert continues to be amazed at the power of social media in the apprehension of suspects..

superxrobber4Moeller is charged with first degree armed robbery and commission of a felony while armed. He’s being held without bond.