An April 7th trial date has been set for the DeSmet high schooler charged with making terroristic threats against classmates and staff at DeSmet High School. Melissa Kruger, dressed in a heavy winter jacket and black and white striped jail uniform pleaded not guilty at an arraignment hearing to the Class Five Felony terroristic threat charge and to simple assault which is a Class One Misdemeanor. Attorney Gary Blue, sitting in for Kruger’s regular council Carmen Means requested Kruger be released from the Beadle County Jail and into the custody of her parents. Blue told judge David Geinapp that Kruger’s mother was meeting with the DeSmet School Board to see if the 18-year-old would be allowed back into school. Geinapp said the wanted to see an evaluation done on Kruger by Scott Decker at Community Counseling Services in Huron, before considering a release from Jail. Earlier conditions of bond set by Geinapp called for Kruger to be on house arrest with no access to the internet, cell phones and no contact with the DeSmet Schools. Kingsbury County States Attorney Gregg Gass argued against the possible release of Kruger citing the serious nature of the charges against her. Kruger was indicted by a Kingsbury County Grand Jury on the two charges after authorities were tipped off to a number of threatening Facebook posts about Kruger wanting to bring a shot gun to school and naming students she would attempt to harm.