KIDS First Starts Presentations

The KIDS First group gave it’s first presentation Friday to try and drum up community support for the renovation and expansion of the Huron School District’s elementary schools. KIDS First used the monthly “Meet and Eat” program of the Huron Young Professionals group get an idea of what worked in the presentation and what did not, so the presentation can be fine tuned…


Sheri Pyle and Jody Hegg gave the 45 minute presentation, with good reviews and got people talking about the current space limitations at the elementary schools from parents like Jamie Peterson…


The group intends to give the same presentation with minor changes to a number of service groups and other organizations between now and the April 9th City-School Board municipal elections. A bond vote to pay for the expansion will be on ballots that day. KIDS First is also circulating voter registration forms during presentations. Also in attendance was Representative Dick Werner, who updated the group on education funding.