Kick Off For Central Park Saturday

City officials, project supporters and others behind Central Park will move dirt Saturday morning to mark the start of construction on the city park/aquatic center project. The ceremonial groundbreakings and re-dedication of the Campus Center will take place at 10 AM tomorrow at the site of the former Huron University Campus. The 12-point-six million dollar project will bring a state-of-the-art water park to Huron, that is scheduled to open in May of next year. The project is more than just an aquatic center, as the Campus Center building will be used to house the offices of the Huron Park and Recreation Department, Beadle County 4-H activities and other educational pursuits for children and adults. Officials will also announce the winner of the Name the Water Park contest, and reveal the aquatic center’s new name. Over one-thousand names were submitted by approximately 800 residents. The creator of the winning name is set to take home an i-Pad Three. The name will be used to market the facility to areas outside of Huron. Construction on the water park is already underway with crews removing dirt for the pools.