Authorities around Huron are on the hunt for an inmate who escaped from the Beadle County Jail this morning. Charles Leroy Beeney is five-feet 11-inches tall, 160 pounds and 45 years-old. Beeney has shoulder length brown hair and a goatee. He was last seen wearing a black Carhart jacket and blue jeans. Authorities believe Beeney is on foot and likely armed. He’s considered dangerous and your asked not to approach Beeney if you see him. Beeney was arrested on December third of last year after leading law enforcement from five counties and the South Dakota Highway Patrol on a chase through Jerauld County. Beeney ended up crashing a pick-up truck with North Dakota license plates in a field eight miles west of Alpena. He was being held in the Beadle County Regional Correctional Facility on a charge of aggravated eluding. Beeney is a Lansing, Kansas native and may be headed back to his home state.