JVC Celebrates First Boys State Golf Title

James Valley Christian is celebrating its first ever boys state golf title after winning the Class B Tournament in Yankton Monday and Tuesday.

The Vikings finished with a team score of 490, 19 strokes better than runner up Platte/Geddes.

Junior Austin Boomsma was medalist with a two day total of 153, while senior Carter Wells placed 3rd at 158. Sophomore Ryan Stahl added a 179 and freshman Jevin Goertz a 192.

Austin Boomsa took the lead early in the final round and said he was comfortable down the stretch.

Carter Wells lead the tournament after the first day, and sais winning was a special moment.

Head coach Phelan Stahl, in his 5th year as head coach, said the boys did everything he asked.

Coach Stahl says the team has been invited to Pierre for a championship picnic with Governor Kristi Noem on June 17.

You can hear the complete interviews with Carter, Austin, and Coach Stahl on Dakota Sports Saturday beginning at 8:05 Saturday morning on KOKK.

(Jeff Duffy, KOKK)