In a hearing lasting less than 10 minutes, Circuit Judge Vince Foley sided with the prosecutions option of Dr. Lyle Christopherson as the expert who will analyze how three medications interact with each other and a Huron murder suspect John LeGrand. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore explains why Christopherson was their choice…
Foley agreed to Christopherson because of his close proximity to Huron. The defenses option Dr. David Bean is based out of Avera Behavioral Sciences in Sioux Falls. Moore says Christopherson will speak with both the prosecution and defense over the phone in preparation for a future hearing….
[audio:|titles=mooreonlyle2]Moore says all of the States information regarding the medications have been sent to Christopherson. The brief hearing was held in Foley’s chambers with members of the media and victims family present, so LeGrand’s attorneys could conduct the meeting on a speakerphone from their offices in Mitchell. LeGrand himself was not present at the hearing. No new court date has been set.