Joint Custody Bill Dies In Senate

The South Dakota Senate defeats a bill designed to make joint physical custody of children the standard in South Dakota.  Current law permits divorcing parents to share physical custody of their children only when a judge determines it to be in the best interest of the child.  Proponents say rather than having to prove that shared parenting should be ordered.  It would be up to dissenting parents to prove that it should not be ordered.  Senator Tim Begalka of Clear Lake is the prime sponsor of S-B 125.  He says it’s time to make South Dakota laws equitable.  Begalka says it’s law in 38 states and forces good parents to work together… 


Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton says this is not an easy issue.  She says it should be about the children…


The  shared parenting bill was defeated on a 13-21 vote.