Jackley and Peters Respond to SUPCO Online Sales Tax Ruling

The US Supreme Court has upheld a South Dakota law that forces online retailers to pay sales taxes to states they do business in.

South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley says the ruling is a win for South Dakota and Main Street businesses across the country.

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He says implementation should begin by the end of the summer.

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The Court ruled in a five to four decision that previous rulings were flawed.

The state passed a law in 2016 that would require online businesses to pay state taxes on sales of over one hundred thousand dollars, or that have over two hundred transactions a year. That law was challenged, and defended by Jackley.

Senator Deb Peters of Hartford was one of the sponsors of that 2016 law, and says the state now sets the national standard.

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Peters says she is relieved the Supreme Court overturned the old decisions.

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The Supreme Court will send the case back to the South Dakota Supreme Court for review.