It's (Supposed To Be) Election Day!

It’s municipal election day in South Dakota, but not much voting will take place. Voters in cities across the state will be fighting the weather and heading to the polls. In some locations, though they will not. The city/school board election in Huron has been postponed to next Tuesday April 16th Wessington Springs and Redfield have both postponed school board elections until next Tuesday April 16th because of a spring snowstorm expected to drop up to 15 inches of snow in some locations. The South Dakota Secretary of States offices says municipal elections are scheduled to take place in Alpena, De Smet, Frankfort, Mount Vernon and White Lake. School board races are set for Kimbal, Lake Preston, Mount Vernon and Stickney. The Huron election next week will include a vote on a 22-million dollar bond issue to renovate Huron’s elementary schools. On the city side voters will be picking a new mayor and city commissioner. Gary Harrington and Dick Freske are running for the city commission slot being vacated by Kerwin Haeder. Haeder meanwhile is running for Mayor against Paul Aylward, in a spot being left open by Dave McGirr’s decision to not seek re-election. There are two spots open on the Huron School Board and three candidates running. Incumbent Michelle Bennett will defend her seat against Garrett Bischoff and Sherman Gose. Incumbent Nichole Yost is not seeking a second term. The times for the election next will will remain from seven-A-M to seven-P-M at the Huron Arena