The Huron School District is heading toward an opt-out vote later this summer. Acting Superintendent Terry Nebelsick says Business Manager Kelly Christopherson presented a budget and took questions about it at Monday night’s Huron School Board meeting…
Christopherson says in an e-mail to Performance Radio News the shortfall for next year is around one-point two million dollars. The District is committeed to reducing the opt-out in each of the upcoming years. They are not required levy the full amount every year, only the first year. Nebelsick says a petition drive to place the opt out on a ballot was successful…
[audio:|titles=neb-optout2]Christopherson says while It may appear as though the Board is asking for more than is needed, that is not the case. The opt-out is for 2011 taxes payable in 2012. The first payment would be made in April, 2012. That payment is the only one that would help the 2011-2012 budget. So if half of the opt-out or $750,000 arrived in April of 2012 then the budget shortfall for the next school year would be $488,000 instead of $1,238,000. The $488,000 would come from the Districts savings account. Approximately 700 signatures were gathered in the effort. The one-point-five million dollar, five year opt out would amount to just short of two-dollars per one-thousand dollars of property value on owner-occupied homes. Would you be willing to see a 5-year increase in taxes to benefit education? Go to the Performance Radio News Facebook Page and vote in the latest Performance Radio News Poll.