Huron To Move To Division Directors


That is the way Huron Mayor Dave McGirr described the current structure of City government. A resolution adopted by the Huron City Commission Monday night is intended to change that, slightly. The resolution would establish Division Directors for who would report directly to their assigned city commissioner…


McGirr is hopeful the changes will streamline the coordination of City departments…


Huron is one of the few Class A municipalities in South Dakota that does not use division directors.  A number of job descriptions will have to change to reflect, who a person is supposed to report to now that division directors are being added. Those proposed changes are expected to come before the Huron City Commission next week. McGirr added that there will be no loss or addition of city personnel..


Because a single reading is all that is required for a resolution, the changes will take place 20 days following publication of the resolution, meaning the changes will become effective sometime near the beginning of March. The city is not ready to formally announce who the division directors will be. The new layout for city departments under the Division Directors are below:

Planning Director.  Reports to Mayor

  • Planning
  • Mayor to work with Economic Development, Chamber/CVB, Public Buildings and Legal


Finance Director.  Reports to Finance Commissioner

  • Finance
  • Library
  • Communtiy Campus
  • Golf


Public Works Director.  Reports to Public Works and/or Utilities Commissioners.

  • Engineering (Pub Wrks)
  • Street (Pub Wrks)
  • Airport (Pub Wrks)
  • Water/Wastewater  (Util)
  • Solid Waste (Util)
  • Parks (Util)


Public Safety Director.  Reports to Public Safety Commissioner

  • Police/Dispatch
  • Fire
  • Inspection
  • Code Enforcement