Huron To Make City Attorney Full Time Position

The City of Huron is moving forward with an idea to turn the role of City Attorney from part-time contractor to full-time city employee. The Huron City Commission approved a job description for the position Monday night. Also approved was the issuance of a Civil Service call, looking for possible applicants for the newly established job and permission to advertise for the position. A pay range was approved at 50 to 90-thousand dollars. Long time City Attorney Gerry Kaufman submitted his resignation notice last week to the City Commission, who did approve the request. Kaufman was required to provide the Commission 60 days notice of his resignation. His last day will be September 27th, however Kaufman has requested an early release should a replacement be found before the 27th. Kaufman has accepted the job of Director of Policy and Legal Services with the Associated School Boards of South Dakota. He’s been City Attorney for Huron for ten years.