Huron Police Department has taken two disturbing calls in separate locations over the past week. One was a stalking incident at Ravine Lake last Thursday involving a male parked with a white Semi with no trailer parked below the dam off Waibel Drive. The man was using two phone to video a woman walking with her child around the lake. The other incident last Friday evening involved three males subjects wearing masks to conceal their identity. The males were in a multi red colored vehicle following a female to Tamarac Apartments across from Huron High School. They followed, filmed and shouted to get her attention. Finally one subject got out of the vehicle and tried to grad the woman. She was able to punch the assailant and got away. Detective Casey Spinsby said they are working on the two cases but he does not believe they are related.
Spinsby said they are following up on both cases and with one more piece of information that could help the investigation
He said he does not believe the public should take any extra precautions.
With CDC guideline strongly encouraging face covering, he said tends to hinder law enforcement investigations.
Other reminders include not walking alone and trying to walk during daylight hours.