After poor winter weather pushed it off a week, the Huron City Commission finally heard the semi-Annual update from the Huron Senior Center, and the report was worth the wait…
Jim Hofer says the Senior Center currently has only two apartments left for rent which Commissioner Dale Schneider says is good…
[audio:|titles=seniorcenter2]An estimate on repairing the highest roof at the Senior Center is about 35-thousand dollars. Mayor Dave McGirr suggested having the city’s recently retained roofing consultant brought in to look at the roof. The hefty reserves in place at the Senior Center should give the facility that ability to fight off possible 10-percent cuts from the state…
[audio:|titles=seniorcenter3]And while Hofer figures the Center could handle such a cut, he says they are not looking to add an new programs right now. Also the idea of a name change has been set aside for the time being.