During their regular meeting Monday night held via video conference the Huron School Board voted to set the last day of the 2019-2020 school year.  Board members reported hearing concerns of extending the school year into June in light of the struggles and stress on teachers, students and parents due to Covid-19.  May 28 was approved as the final day for the school year for students.  Teachers will have a half day on June 3rd for checkout.  Board chairman Garret Bischoff also took the opportunity to announce that Terry Nebelsick was name the Outstanding Superintendent award winner this year from the School Superintendent Association.  Bischoff told of the many nominating letters that were received for the award.  All giving high praise for his leadership of the district and as a valued advocate for education.  Bischoff said that with all of the bad news lately this is good news and there is no one more deserving than Terry.  An emotional Terry Nebelsick gave credit for the award to the “magic of 26 years in Huron”.  Nebelsick has worked in education for 41 years in all, serving as superintendent for the last 9 years.  He gave credit to the school boards that have trusted him first as principal along with administrators and staff members.  Then finished by giving credit to parents of students who believed in the changes being made in the Huron School District saying the award was a Huron award.