Huron Public Schools have begun a Mobile Feeding Program at lunch in response to Unexpected School Closures.  Offering GRAB & GO DRIVE THRU PICK UP bagged lunch at four sites beginning on THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2020.  200 Bags available at each site and if we should run out we are out, until the following Monday, March 30, 2020.

All children from 0-18 years of age are welcome to pick up FREE GRAB & GO lunch and please take them home to eat and keep extra in the refrigerator for the next lunches. Lunches will be available to pick up ONLY on Mondays and Thursdays.

Each GRAB & GO bagged lunch will have enough food for three full lunches.

Monday’s GRAB & GO bag will contain the Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday lunches.

Thursday’s GRAB & GO bag will contain the Thursday, Friday, & Saturday lunches.

Pick up sites: Starting Thursday, March 26, we will do drive thru pick up ONLY to allow for more social distancing…pick up through your driver window.

Head Start (Old McKinley School) 705 Dakota Ave. N

In the South parking lot from 11:45 am-12:15 pm only on Mondays & Thursdays

Entrance will be the EAST driveway on 7th STREET NW and EXIT ONLY from the WEST driveway. ALL VEHICLES MUST EXIT WEST ONLY FROM THIS SITE.


Madison 2-3 Center 1680 Idaho Ave. SE

In the North parking lot from 11:45 am–12:15 pm only on Mondays & Thursdays

Entrance will be from Idaho Ave. and EXIT MUST BE ONTO UTAH AVE.


Washington 4-5 Center 1451 McClellan Drive SW

In the North parking lot from 11:45 am–12:15 pm only on Mondays & Thursdays

Entrance will be the EAST driveway on 14th STREET SW and EXIT ONLY from the WEST driveway. ALL VEHICLES MUST EXIT WEST ONLY FROM THIS SITE.


Middle School 1045 18th Street SW

In Middle School, Pick Up/Drop Off located on Arizona Ave. from 11:45 – 12:15 pm Mondays & Thursdays.

Entrance will be from Arizona Ave. the NORTH entrance and EXIT ONLY onto Arizona Ave. ALL VEHICLES MUST EXIT SOUTH ONLY FROM THIS SITE.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.