The Huron Board of Education held a special meeting last night to update how the district is responding to COVID 19. Board chair Garret Bischoff says everyone needs to work together.

Huron Superinendant of Schools Terry Nebelsick says school decisions will be made week by week

Nebelsick explained plans for teachers to educate remotely using websites, apps, email, tablets, packets, and other means, while communicating in whatever ways possible.

The board also discussed an end of school year date, which after snow days was June 2 before the covid cancellations, which will now be at least 10 days. The district will do everything to keep commencement on the current May 24 date, although seniors may need to go to school after graduation. Events such as prom and fine arts activities, including spring play and pops concert would need to fall under the crowd restrictions at this time.