Huron Salvation Army Christmas Basket Program Kicks Off Tonight

The 70th annual Huron Salvation Army Christmas Basket Program begins tonight in the Huron High School Auditorium.

The four night event raises money through phone pledges to be used for Christimas food baskets and food programs throughout the year. The program airs on KOKK 1210am, Huron cable channel 6, and is streamed at

Coordinator Ken Lindblad says everyone is invited to watch it live as well.

Five groups will perform each night for a total of 20 through the four nights. Lindblad says alot of people donate time to make the program work.

The Christmas Basket starts at 6:30 each evening. Huron Salvation Army serves all of Beadle County as well as families in the Wessington Springs, DeSmet, Alpena, Miller, and Tulare areas.