Huron Public Library Presents Origins of Lakota Song and Dance

The Huron Public Library is proud to present Jerome Kills Small’s Origins of Lakota Song and Dance, Tuesday, June 5, 6:30 pm.

He tells how Lakota songs are composed, then, tells stories of a series of traditional songs of honor, veterans of military, and festive songs. 

Jerome Kills Small is an Oglala Lakota from Porcupine, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation. A 1997 graduate from the University of South Dakota, with an M.A. in Selected Studies, and retired after 20 years of teaching at USD. He taught Lakota Language, American Indian Thought, Siouan Tribal Culture, Early Native American History, and Native American Oratory.

For more information about this program stop by the Huron Public Library or phone 353-8530. Or, visit our webpage, or find us on Facebook and Instagram.


(Huron Public Library)