Huron Police Still Looking For Leads In Subway Theft

SubwayHuron Police continue the search for two people caught on surveillance video making away with 600-dollars from a Huron Subway restaurant on January 3rd. Detective Casey Spinsby with the Huron Police Department says authorities have had several tips with lots of different names, but forward momentum in the investigation has stalled. Spinsby adds that the Subway incident is not connected to the recent theft of 1860-dollars from the Eastside Corner Pantry. Video from the store at 8th Street and Dakota Avenue show two individuals crouching low behind the front counter and attempting to access an area near a cash register. The suspects were wearing winter weather clothing. One was dressed in dark clothing with a green stocking cap. The second wore a gray stocking cap and had a gray and red jacket with yellow piping. Anyone with information about the theft or possible suspects is encouraged to contact Huron Police at 353-8550.