Huron Police Looking For Suspect In Theft

9595_831483266960605_2866605994026401855_nHuron police are on the trail of the suspect who made a quick grab of cash from the Eastside Corner Pantry store early Sunday morning. The department released surveillance video showing a man wearing a black head covering, gray hoodie, blue jeans and black shoes with white soles. Screen grabs of the video show a yellowish insignia or logo on the upper left side of the hoodie. The suspect leaped over the counter, hitting his head on cigarette racks causing boxes to fall the floor. The man was in and out of the story is approximately 12 seconds, making off with 18-hundred 60-dollars in twenty dollar bills. The incident happened around 1:10 A-M. Huron police are asking anyone with information about the theft to contact them by calling 353-8550.