Huron Police Assisting Feds In Check Counterfeiting Case

The Huron Police Department is assisting in a federal investigation that has led to the indictment of two men on charges of  counterfeiting checks.  The U-S Attorney’s office says 25-year-old Timothy Maddox and 41-year-old Michael Rinker were indicted by a federal grand jury on seven counts each of making and passing counterfeit checks.  Rinker and Maddox pleaded not guilty to the charges on Monday.  If convicted Rinker and Maddox could get up to 10 years in federal prison and up to 250-thousand dollars in fine.  Both men where returned to state custody where they are facing other charges.  Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says Maddox is currently serving time in the South Dakota State Penitentary on a Forgery Charge out of Beadle County.  Trial on the federal charges is set for September 25.  We are looking in to this case and hope to have further information later.  The Secret Service and Sioux Falls Police are assisting federal investigators with the case