The behind the scenes reality of investigations was the topic for members of the Huron Citizen’s Police Academy Thursday night. Long time dectective Gene Miller talked to the class about the 18 murder and manslaughter cases the Department has investigated since the early 80’s. He also talked about the investigation of sex crimes, citing a number of vile cases involving minors. Miller’s presentation was followed by detective Jamie Goglin who spoke mainly on investigating crimes involving narcotics. He passed around for the class to see examples, in evidence bags of not only drug paraphenilia but actual seized narcotics including cocaine, marijuana, methenphentimne and Extacy. Goglin says the basic of what he does as a detective hasn’t changed much since he began…
He was impressed by the questions he heard…
[audio:|titles=hpdawk3-2]Goglin added there is a good reason limited information is released to the public during investigations…
[audio:|titles=hpdawk3-3]Due to the graphic and sensitve nature of some of the content involved in the third week of the Citizen’s Police Academy, Performance Radio was requested to refrain from obtaining audio of Miller and Goglin’s presentation. Next week the Citizen’s Police Academy will deal with issues concerning the use of force by police officers and an overview of the departments Special Response Team.