Huron Luxury Cinemas Kicks Off Fall Film Festival Today

Fans of art and independent films that normally only play in larger cities will be getting a treat next week as the Huron Luxury Cinemas runs its first Fall Film Festival. Six films will play on two screens at various times through the week of September 13-19.

Jeff Logan, president of the company, says they have chosen six recent films that have been praised by audiences and critics alike.

Each of the films will show six times during the week. Films included in the series include:

“The Biggest Little Farm” a documentary about a young couple and their dog who move from their tiny Los Angeles apartment to a 200 acre farm. They dream of building a diverse farm in harmony with nature

“Bennett’s War” is about a wounded veteran of the army’s motorcycle corps who is wounded by an IED. Despite being told that he may never walk again, he begins training to go back to motocross racing in an effort to try to save his family farm.

“Blinded by the Light” This film from the director of “Bend it Like Beckham” explores the power of Bruce Springsteen’s music, generational differences, cultural expectations and the immigrant experience. This true story tells the life of a British teen of Pakistani descent growing up in an industrial town in Britain in the economic turmoil of the 1980’s.

“The Farewell” is the funny and uplifting true story of a Chinese-born, U.S. raised girl who reluctantly returns to China to bring her grandmother to American for the girl’s wedding. Although the entire family knows that doctors have given grandmother only weeks to live, no one has told her so as not to ruin her happiness at the wedding.

“Wild Rose” rose-Lynn dreams of leaving her rough life in Glasgow, Scotland and becoming a country music star in Nashville. But she’s a single mom who fresh out of prison with an ankle monitor, a curfew and a mother more concerned that she spend more time with her children than with her music. Her journey to find a path between her raw talent, hope and responsibility is both hilarious and inspiring.

“Booksmart” is the new coming-of-age comedy about two academic superstars who decide on their graduation night that they should have worked less and played more. The girls decide to change that in one wild and hilarious night of partying.

Logan says people may buy individual tickets for each movie or buy an “All Access Pass” for $35 with six punches that gives the holder six admissions. The pass is a $55.50 value and the punches may be used on any showing of any of the movies in the Festival. The holder may use it any way they like including using two punches to get the holder and a guest into one movie.

Complete schedules of the movies and times, along with advance tickets and All-Access passes are now available at the theatre. More information on the movies and showtimes for each is available on the theatre’s website at