Huron Keeps "Vicki" Safe In October

Project VickiAs the month of October ended so to did the Beadle County States Attorney’s Office’s domestic violence awareness campaign. Deputy State’s Attorney Kimberly Zachrison says “Project Vicki” was well received in the community for the month…


“Vicki” was a Barbie doll and she included a packet with information containing facts about domestic violence in general and stats about the crime within Beadle County. A stat along with business information and a picture of the doll was posted on the States Attorney’s Facebook page. The idea originated in the office in Huron. Zachrison says while she’s not sure if “Project Vicki” has been expanded across the state, it’s something that may be showing up across the country…


Zachrison believes the goal of raising awareness of domestic violence was achieved…


Zachrison says many businesses and groups did not get to host Vicki for a day and believes the State’s Attorney’s Office will continue the campaign in 2016.