Huron Industrial Park Designated Certified Ready By State

An industrial park on Huron’s west side has gotten a seal of approval by South Dakota’s Office of Ecomonic Development….


Mary Cerney is Research Director for the Office Of Economic Development. She says the Huron park will now go into an on-line system so prospective buinesses can see what different tracts of land can offer…


Huron’s industrial park is the second property placed on the list by the Govenor’s Office of Economic Development. Cerney says the program is for undevoloped land…


The Greater Huron Development Corporation is in the process of building a 50-thousand square-foot spec building on the northwest corner of the industrial park. The building will be 200-feet by 250 feet with a 26 foot evae height. and the ability to double in size if needed.  The spec building should be completed by the end of the month.