Huron High School Again Wins $25,000 From State Farm

2014 Celebrate My DriveState Farm Insurance is giving Huron High School 25-thousand dollars as part of the “Celebrate My Drive” safe driving campaign…


Huron High School principal Demi Moon emceed the check presentation before the full student body in the high school auditorium. Local Huron State Farm agent Brain Davidson presented the check to student body president Mark Christenson….


Davidson says the program is in it’s third year and it’s message of safe driving is having an impact…


Ten-percent or 2500-dollars must be used for safe driving initiatives, while the remainder may be used by the school however they’d like. Moon says Huron High School will use the money for driver’s education and expanding a drinking water program. Some funds will go to each class account, Student Council account and for use in a student unity project.