The Huron Young Professionals are preparing to continue a recent Fall tradition in Huron, The Huron Harvest Fest. Event spokesman Rich Bragg says the Harvest Fest will have something for everyone…
Bragg says the night will wrap up with the band Exit 357 at 8:30 tomorrow night…
[audio:|titles=harvestfest2]Support from a number of sponsors has helped make Harvest Fest an affordable day for the family…
[audio:|titles=harvestfest3]Bragg says the event continues years of hard work and planning..
[audio:|titles=harvestfest4]Events begin Saturday morning at 7 AM with the Farmers Market and a 5-K Walk and Run at 9 AM. For more information about the Huron Harvest Fest, you can go on-line to like the Huron Young Professionals on Facebook or check out the link to Harvest Fest on our website. Just click on the pumpkin on the right side of the page