Huron Community Campus To Retain Nursing Education

FCA-HCC2Huron Community Campus will continue to offer a nursing program. Last month the H-C-C Nursing Task Force informed the Huron City Commission that Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell was ending it’s two year nursing program which H-C-C piggybacked with. H-C-C Executive Director Doug Pietz says they’ve worked out a plan moving forward with Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown….


Students would be able to continue their nursing education beyond that….


Over 60-percent of nurses practicing in Huron today got there education in one form or another in Huron. Pietz says the Nursing Task Force saw it important to keep some form of nursing education in Huron. He adds the ties to D-W-U are not completely severed….


Pietz says there has been considerable interest in the nursing program. An admissions representative of Lake Area Tech will be in Huron at the Huron Community Campus on Thursday to talk with prospective students to the new program. The target for starting the new nursing program is the fall of 2015.