The Huron City Commission met in special session Wednesday for updates on policy concerning the Covid-19 (Coronavirus).  They released a Huron City Covid-19 Protection Policy.

The city will be closing to the public Huron City offices and buildings at noon Thursday 3/20/2020.  This includes Huron City Hall, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building.  Huron Public Library is closed now.  Phone numbers to contact departments will be posted on the front of City Hall and available by calling Huron PD Dispatch on their business office 605-353-8550.  In addition Beadle County offices are closed and state offices remain closed.  The protection policy was provided by the Huron City Commission.

Policy #29


City of Huron

CoronaVirus (COVID19) Protection Policy

The City of Huron supports the protection of everyone for their health and well being.

The Nation is under a pandemic on the CoronaVirus and it is expected to continue for months.  Everyone is reminded to wash their hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Avoid social contact and stay 6 feet away from others if possible.  Do not shake hands or have close contact with others.

All households should create habits and reminders to avoid touching their face, cover coughs and sneezes.  Use tissues only once and throw in the garbage.  Wear a facemask if around others with COVID19 or if you have it.  Disinfect surfaces, like doorknobs, tables, desks and handrails regularly.  If possible, increase ventilation by opening windows and adjusting air conditioning (in the coming months).

Monitor your symptoms: seek medical attention if your illness is worsening, difficulty breathing.  Before seeking medical care, call your healthcare provider and tell them that you have or are being evaluated for COVID19.  Put a facemask on before entering a healthcare facility.

Employees requiring time away from work to care for themselves or their immediate family member: spouse, children or parents may use sick, vacation or comp hours to cover for this under the City Policy on FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act).

The City asks employees to stay home if you are feeling sick or have a sick family member with COVID19.  Individuals with symptoms should stay in a specific room and away from other people in the home.  Also, they should use a separate bathroom, if available.  Handle food carefully by limiting food sharing.  Don’t eat from the same plate of share eating utensils.  Be careful with meetings: Hold them in open, well ventilated spaces.  Consider adjusting or postponing large meetings or gatherings.  Limit attendance at events to those with less that 10 people.  Assess the risks of travel.

This information is provided by the CDC and their website at

Keep yourself, your family, friends and co-workers safe.