Huron City Commission To Meet Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission finally has some meat on it’s agenda tonight. After having extremely short agendas for the last two meetings, a more sizable agenda will greet Commissioners tonight. Commissioners will consider award six bids, most of which are for infrastructure projects in 2016. A bid date will be set for water treatment supplies for the year as well. The Commission will consider a combined election agreement with the Huron School District for City Commission and School Board elections this spring. The first reading of the 2015 supplemental appropriations ordinance will be held and Commissioners will consider approval of a grant agreement for work site UV protection and year end contingency and transfers for the city’s budget. Announcements regarding city schedules for the Huron Municipal Building and solid waste collection for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday will be made before the first of five updates from the City Commission will be made. Each commissioner will give an update on boards and groups they represent. Commissioner Bryan Smith will report on his boards and committees tonight. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building at 5:30 P-M. The meeting is open to the public.