Huron City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission gets back to work tonight after taking last week off in honor of Labor Day. The Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustments for a variance request. When the Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a request by the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau to change the start time of Huron Harvest Fest. The Commission will also consider a plat filed by the Dakota Minnesota and Eastern Railroad for the Advanced Bio-Fuels Railroad Addition. A resolution to adopt the Beadle County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan is on the agenda as are the first readings of two ordinances. The first ordinance is the 2011 annual appropriations and the second is an ordinance to prohibit construction in utility easements. The Commission will also consider the transfer of surplus gates to the South Dakota State Fair before adjourning to enter executive session for a personnel matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the community.