Huron Chamber Gives Update To City Commission

cvbThe Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau presented a semi-annual update to the Huron City Commission Monday night. It was Executive Director Laurie Shelton’s first presentation to the Commission..


Shelton says three of seven events solicited by the C-V-B were awarded including two state softball tournaments and an event Huron has previously had it’s eye on…


Huron will have the National Junior High Rodeo for two consecutive years. Officials with Red Power Round-Up, an annual gathering of International Harvester enthusiasts would like to bring that event back to Huron, soon. Shelton says they are looking toward trying to get that event back to the South Dakota State Fairgrounds in 2020. Shelton says the Huron Chamber is going to work harder with local businesses like restaurants when large events come to town…


Shelton touched on during her 30 minute presentation, the Prairie Tracks magazine, numbers from the “Thunder on the Prairie” pre-rally event and the “Be A Lucky Duck” Shop and Win summer promotion.