Huron Board of Education to Hear First Reading of School Calendar

The Huron Board of Education could take the first steps toward an earlier start date for Huron schools at a special meeting tonight.

Superintendent Terry Nebelsick says there will be a first reading for a calendar he shared during his report to the board at the Jan. 8th meeting. That calendar would include an August 20th start date.

Nebelsick says one of the main considerations driving the possible change is poor participation in Huron Middle School activities.

He says dual credit is another issue.

Nebelsick says many parents would like to see an earlier start to school.

Nebelsick acknowledges there are some drawbacks to changing the start date.

Nebelsick says the board will have two other options to look at.

The board will not vote on a calendar but could vote to send the calendar back to the superintendent for changes if it is not accepted.

The public is encouraged to learn more about the calendar changes the board is considering at Click on “District” then “Board of Education” for the agenda and information packet.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Instructional Planning Center on the second floor of the Arena.