Huron Area Law Enforcement Helping With Food Drive

Huron Area law enforcement agencies are helping the Salvation Army with it’s 23rd annual food drive The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge Three is leading the effort. The voluntary project is designed to give young people in the area the opportunity to help others with little or no inconvenience to them or their schools. Items needed for the food drive included canned goods, no home canned or expired canned goods allowed. Boxed foods like macaroni and cheese and cereal and paper items like paper towels and toilet paper. Children wishing to participate in the food drive are asked to bring one of the mentioned items to school by this Friday, November 16th. Residents without school children can donate to the food drive by stopping by any Huron Public School, Holy Trinity School or James Valley Christian school with their donation or drop it off at the Salvation Army in Huron. The donated goods will be used to assist less fortunate families in Beadle County. The F-O-P Lodge Three consists of members of the Huron police, Beadle County Sheriff, South Dakota Highway Patrol and South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department. The food will be picked up from the schools on Friday