Huron ACT Looking To Work Rent Reduction For New Sound System

The Huron Area Community Theater is looking to strike a deal with the City of Huron to add upgrades to the audio system at the Fine Arts Center at Huron Community Campus. H-C-C Executive Director Steve Ochsner told the Huron City Commission during a work session Monday night, the A-C-T Board presented a possible plan to pay for the 14-thousand dollars in upgrades…


Current rent for the theater is 450 dollars per week. Over the course of a three week production, it cost the Huron A-C-T 13-hundred-50 dollars in rent. The Theater group would like to have rent reduced to by $350 per show over the course of seven performances in a three year span…


Huron A-C-T board member Rich Bragg says theater rent is the groups largest expense…


The sound system would be utilized by all groups who rent the theater. The Huron City Commission is expected to consider the request for reduced rent at it’s next meeting Monday night.