The Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau is making an active, aggressive effort to bring more pheasant hunters to “Ringneck Nation” this fall. Chamber Executive Director Peggy Woolridge told the Huron City Commission Monday the “Ringneck Nation” branding of Huron is a part of the effort…
Woolridge says print ads are being displayed in a number of national publications…
[audio:|titles=ringnation2]Three hunting promotions have been established to develop a database for more targeted marking in the future. Woolridge is wanting residents of Huron to get behind the effort too…
[audio:|titles=ringnation3]The Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau is looking to feature the Ringneck Nation brand on hunting license holders, beverage cups, car magnets, window decals, doggie treats and a “Ringneck Nation” membership card that will provide discounts to holders at Huron businesses.