For the second time, Ken Huber is going to jail for the remainder of his life. A jury in Beadle County took three hours and forty-five minutes to find Huber guilty of first degree murder in the shooting death of his wife Pam. The former Highmore police chief showed no emotion as members of Pam Huber’s family released a collect sigh of relief while the dobbed tears from their eyes. An hour and 37 minutes into their deliberations, jurors asked to hear the 9-1-1 recording again. They were ushered from the jury room to the court room to hear the tape. Assistant Attorney General Pattie DeVaney appeared emotionally drained following the verdict, but is pleased with the jury’s decision….
Judge James Anderson immediately sentenced Huber to the mandatory life in prison sentence associated with a first degree murder conviction. Huber was immediately shackled and handcuffed by Beadle County Sheriff Doug Solem and led back to the Beadle County Jail in preparation for transport to the State Penitentiary in Sioux Falls. Members of Pam Huber’s family, defense council and jurors were unavailable for comment following the verdict.