HRMC’s 2022 First Baby Born on January 1st

Huron, S.d. – Allanna and Deegan Seidel, of Huron, rang in the new year and welcomed their new baby girl, Twyla June Seidel. Twyla, who was born January 1, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., is 20 inches long and weighs 7 pounds and 2 ounces. She is the first baby born at Huron Regional Medical Center for the 2022 year. Twyla is also welcomed by her brother Toby, who is two years old.

Though she entered the world earlier than planned, 11 days early, the HRMC Birthing Center team celebrated her arrival with a small gift of appreciation. Twyla and her family received a stuffed elephant from the HRMC Auxiliary Gift Shop, a commemorative photo tile and a bottle of sparkling cider from the hospital.


Photo: Twyla June Seidel HRMC’s 2022 First Baby of the New Year is pictured with her parents Allanna and Deegan in HRMC’s Birthing Center.