HRMC To Hold Active Shooter Drill Thursday

HRMCHuron Regional Medical Center is taking part Thursday in a full scale active shooter drill. HRMC Plant Manager Nathan Hall says the active shooter drill is designed to give hospital staff real-time first hand experience with an armed gunman shooting at will…


Hall says the State of South Dakota is mandating that all hospitals perform such a drill this year…


The full scale drill will involve law enforcement using radios and communications equipment that can be picked up by police scanners in the community. Hall says it’s important for people who may hear scanner traffic half way through to know, nothing serious or an actual event is taking place….


Hall says the training will be good for more than just hospital staff…


The active shooter drill will be complete down to interaction with media members responding to HRMC as if the drill was an actual event. The active shooter drill is scheduled to begin at 1:30 Thursday afternoon.