HRMC Employees and Board Contribute Nearly $24,000 to UW Campaign

The Huron Regional Medical Center (HRMC) board of directors recently voted to match employee contributions donate a combined total of $23,741.28 to the 2018 United Way Heartland Region (UWHR) campaign, according to Dr. Elyse Brock, an OB/GYN with HRMC who also serves on the UWHR board.

“This year, HRMC employees pledged more than ever before and the board matched an equally generous amount. And as always, the human resources staff and other hospital employees graciously gave their time to help me with the campaign,” said Dr. Brock. “Thank you, everyone! Together we are contributing to the continued improvement and success of our community. I feel honored to be HRMC’s physician representative on the United Way board and look forward to next year’s campaign.”

A team of HRMC employees hosted an internal drive kick-off celebration complete with root beer floats and door prize drawings in September with pledges collected through November. The 2018 contribution is $5,565 more than the combined board and employee total of $18,176.28 raised for the 2017 campaign.

“I’m quite speechless to see the generosity of the hospital and their staff. They have such a huge impact on our campaign every year and to see their contribution grow by so much is quite amazing!” said Stephanie Taylor, UWHR board vice president. “We wouldn’t reach our goal without them and without the help of everyone in our community. I’m humbled by the amount of giving in our community and am so happy to be a part of it.”

This year’s UWHR campaign goal is $310,000 and funds will help 31 agencies to support 41 different programs. In addition, the UWHR supports 13 community impact programs and projects, including the Heartland Region Backpack Program, The Dolly Parton Imagination Library, the Huron Youth Leadership Program, the Delta Dental Bus, Day of Caring, Day of Action, Hunger Games, MENtors Volunteer Program, Volunteer Connections and four Born Learning Trails in our community.

“There’s still time to make your contribution to this year’s United Way Campaign and help us reach our goal before Christmas!” said Taylor.

Interested donors can contact the United Way office at 605-352-3537 or download a pledge card from at