After years on the shelf, the Huron Police Department is dusting off the Citizen’s Police Academy….
Police Chief Gary Will says Officer Mark Johnson coordinating the program and the basics of the program can be viewed on the City of Huron’s website. Will had experience with a reserve officer program that spun off of the Citizen’s Police Academy at job’s he’s held in Oregon. Will says it’s something that he would like to see in Huron…
[audio:|titles=cpa2]Mayor Dave McGirr says he enjoyed his time on the first Citizen’s Police Academy the Huron Police Department offered from a number of year back…
[audio:|titles=cpa3]Applications are available at the Huron Police Department and at Participants must be 21 year old and hold a valid driver’s licence. Applicants can not have been convicted of a prior felony or be currently on probation or parole. The Spring Citizen’s Police Academy will take only 14 applicants.