House Fails to Override Governor’s Veto of Two Gun Bills

The South Dakota House of Representatives fails to override the
Governor’s vetoes on a pair of gun bills. While both bills had a
majority supporting them, there was not the two-thirds votes needed to
make them law.

House Bill 1156 would have allowed the concealed carry of handguns in
the Capital building for those with an enhanced permit. The vote was
42-27 today. Representative Lee Qualm of Platte is the bill’s prime sponsor

Among those speaking against the bill, Representative Craig Tiezen of Rapid City.

House Bill 1072 would have allowed the concealed carry of handguns in South Dakota without a permit. The vote to override was well short, 36-33.

Representative Lynne DiSanto of Box Elder is the prime sponsor of the bill. She says the N.R.A. and the Republican Party support this


Representative Tona Rozum of Mitchell asked a question of DiSanto

Today marks the official end of the 2017 Legislative session.

(Brookings Radio)